Journals with peer-review (selected list, since 2015)
Interactions between senses : Multisensory interactions, cross modal correspondences, sensory deficits, synaesthesia
Deroy, O., & Rappe, S. Consciousness and Cognition, 2022
Ley-Flores, J., Alshami, E., Singh, A., Bevilacqua, F., Bianchi-Berthouze, N., Deroy, O., & Tajadura-Jiménez, A.
Scientific reports, 2022
Jraissati, Y., & Deroy, O. Cognitive Science, 2021
Travers, E., Fairhurst, M. T., & Deroy, O. Consciousness and cognition, 2020
Farmer, H., Cataldo, A., Adel, N., Wignall, E., Gallese, V., Deroy, O., ... & Ciaunica, A. Multisensory Research, 2020
Garzorz, I., & Deroy, O. Multisensory Research, 34(3), 261-280.
Deroy, O. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 2019
Fairhurst, M. T., Travers, E., Hayward, V., & Deroy, O. Scientific reports, 2018
Tajadura-Jimenez, A., Deroy, O., Marquardt, T., Bianchi-Berthouze, N., Asai, T., Kimura, T., & Kitagawa, N. PloS one, 2018
Tajadura-Jim nez, A., Vakali, M., Fairhurst, M. T., Mandrigin, A., Bianchi-Berthouze, N., & Deroy, O. Scientific reports, 2017
Fairhurst, M. T., & Deroy, O. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 2017
Fairhurst, M. T., Scott, M., & Deroy, O. PloS one, 2016
Deroy, O., Spence, C., & Noppeney, U. Trends in cognitive sciences, 2016
Parise, C. V., Spence, C., & Deroy, O. Multisensory research, 2016
Deroy, O., & Spence, C. Neuropsychologia, 2016
Deroy, O., & Spence, C. Multisensory research, 2016
Deroy, O., Faivre, N., Lunghi, C., Spence, C., Aller, M., & Noppeney, U. Multisensory research, 29, 585-606
Deroy, O., Fasiello, I., Hayward, V., & Auvray, M.Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance, 42, 1204-1214
Battich, L., Fairhurst, M., & Deroy, O. Psychonomic bulletin & review, 2020
Sensory interactions between humans : Collective experience, sharing perceptual information
Schmitz, L., Knoblich, G., Deroy, O., & Vesper, C. Acta Psychologica, 212, 103222.
Battich, L., Garzorz, I., Wahn, B., & Deroy, O. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2021
Special applications and extensions
Ferreiro, D. N., Deroy, O., & Bahrami, B. Royal Society Open Science, 2023
Keshmirian, A., Deroy, O., & Bahrami, B. Cognition, 2022
Dezecache, G., Dockendorff, M., Ferreiro, D. N., Deroy, O., & Bahrami, B. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 2022
Sulik, J., Bahrami, B., & Deroy, O, Perspectives in Psychological Science, 2021
Tunçgenç, B., El Zein, M., Sulik, J., Newson, M., Zhao, Y., Dezecache, G., & Deroy, O. British Journal of Psychology, 2021
Dezecache, G., Frith, C. D., & Deroy, O. Current Biology, 2020
Interactions between humans and AI
Karpus, J., Krüger, A., Verba, J. T., Bahrami, B., & Deroy, O. iScience, 2021
Longin, L., Bahrami, B., & Deroy, O. Iscience, 2023.
Deroy, O., Topoi, 2023
Schmauder, C., Karpus, J., Moll, M., Bahrami, B., & Deroy, O. Topoi, 2023
Geiselmann, R., Tsourgianni, A., Deroy, O., & Harris, L. T. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 2023
Interactions between the senses
For earlier work, see google scholar
Book chapters
Longin, L. & Deroy, O. (in press) In The Role of Visual Representations. Brogaard, B. (ed) Springer
Sensing the body through sound.
Tajadura-Jiménez, A., Fairhurst, M. T., & Deroy, O. The Routledge Handbook of Bodily Awareness.
Battich, L. & Deroy, O. (in press). In Routledge Handbook of Implicit Cognition. Thompson, R. (ed) Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Deroy, O. (in press) In The Sailing Mind, edited by Roberto Casati.
Deroy, O. (2021) In Strasser, A., Stepec, K, Stapelfeldt, R. & Sohst, W. Künstliche Intelligenz. Die Grosse Verheiung
Deroy, O. (2019) In Origgi, G. (ed) Dictionnaire des Passions Sociales, Paris : Presses Universitaires de France
Deroy, O. (2020) In The Cambridge Handbook of the Imagination. Abraham, A. (ed) Cambridge : Cambridge University
Press (pp. 276-288)
Deroy, O., & Fairhurst, M. (2019). In Spatial Senses: Philosophy of Perception in an Age of Science. Cheng, T., Deroy, O.,
& Spence, C. (eds). London : Routledge
Deroy, O. (2019) In The Philosophy of Perception: Proceedings of the 40th International Ludwig Wittgenstein
Symposium. Limbeck-Lilienau, C., & Stadler, F. (eds) Berlin : De Gruyter & Co (pp. 235-250)
Ptito, M., Iversen, K., Auvray, M., Deroy, O., & Kupers, R. (2018). In Sensory substitution. Macpherson, F. (ed)
London:British Academy Press
Deroy, O., Fernandez-Prieto, I., Navarra, J., & Spence, C. (2018).In Spatial Biases in Perception and
Cognition. Hubbard, T. (ed) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (pp.77-93)
Deroy, O. (2017) Phenomenal Qualities. Coates, P., Coleman, S (Eds). Oxford : Oxford University Press.
Deroy, O., & Spence, C. (2017). In Sensory Blending : On Synaesthesia and Related Phenomena. Deroy, O. (ed.)Oxford
Oxford University Press (pp.191-212).
Deroy, O. (2017). In Deroy, O. (ed) Sensory Blending : On Synaesthesia and Related Phenomena. Oxford : Oxford
University Press
Deroy, O. (2016). In Matthen, M. (ed) Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Perception. New York: Oxford University Press
(pp. 755-778)
Deroy., O. & Auvray, M. (2016). In Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Perception. Matthen, M. (ed). New York: Oxford
University Press
Deroy, O. (2014). In Sensory Integration and the Unity of Consciousness. Bennett, D. J., & Hill, C. (eds) Cambridge : MIT
Press (pp.105-124)
Spence, C., & Deroy, O. (2013). In Multisensory Imagery. Lacey, S., & Lawson, R. (eds) New York : Springer (pp. 157-183)
Deroy, O. (2013). In Brown, R. (ed) Consciousness Inside and Out: Phenomenology, Neuroscience, and the Nature of
Experience. Dordrecht : Springer (pp. 395-407)
Deroy, O. (2013). In Questions of Taste. B.C. Smith (ed) Oxford : Oxford University Press (pp.122-136)
(English to French) Boghossian, P. (2016) La Peur du Savoir.Sur le relativisme et le constructivisme de la connaissance. Marseille : Agone.